Does Fluoride During Pregnancy Affect Child’s IQ?

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Dr. Matthew Hannan | My Dental Advocate
Does Fluoride During Pregnancy Affect Childs IQ | My Dental Advocate

As a dentist, I’m often asked about the safety and effectiveness of fluoride use during pregnancy.

Recent research has explored the potential link between fluoride exposure during pregnancy and its effect on a child’s IQ.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the latest evidence on fluoride and IQ, and weigh the potential risks and benefits of fluoride use during pregnancy.

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Does Fluoride During Pregnancy Affect a Child’s IQ?

The link between fluoride exposure during pregnancy and its effect on a child’s IQ is a subject of ongoing debate and research.

While some studies have suggested a potential link between high levels of fluoride exposure and lower IQ scores in children, other studies have found no significant association.

Therefore, the current evidence is inconclusive, and further research is needed to understand better the potential risks and benefits of fluoride use during pregnancy.

Pregnant women should consult their healthcare provider to make informed decisions about fluoride use.

The Science Behind Fluoride and IQ

The scientific community has conducted numerous studies to investigate the potential link between fluoride and IQ, with some studies finding a significant association and others finding no such link.

Examining the Fluoride-IQ Link in Children

One of the most influential of these studies was conducted by Philippe Grandjean and colleagues in 2012, which analyzed data from a cohort of mother-child pairs in Mexico.

The study found that higher levels of fluoride exposure during pregnancy were associated with lower IQ scores in the children. The study has been highly cited and has prompted further research in this area.

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Other Early Studies

While these early studies were not without limitations and have been subject to criticism, they helped to establish the Fluoride-IQ Debate. In addition, they generated interest in this topic among researchers and the public alike.

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New Findings and Controversies

In addition to the early studies that first explored the Fluoride-IQ Debate, more recent research has contributed to our understanding of this issue.

One of the most prominent of these recent studies was conducted by Bashash and colleagues in 2017, which analyzed data from a cohort of mother-child pairs in Canada.

The study found a significant negative correlation between maternal urinary fluoride levels during pregnancy and IQ scores in the children.

However, the study has generated considerable controversy concerning its methodology and conclusions.

Other Recent Studies

While these recent studies have generated new findings and controversies, they have highlighted the complexities and challenges of studying the Fluoride-IQ Debate.

Further research is needed to understand better the potential risks and benefits of fluoride use during pregnancy and to clarify the conflicting results that have emerged from recent studies.

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The Challenges of Studying Fluoride and IQ

Numerous factors can influence IQ scores, and it can be challenging to disentangle the effects of fluoride exposure from those of other factors.

Critical Challenges

  • Influence of Other Factors: Factors like genetics, nutrition, and environment also affect a child’s IQ, making it hard to isolate the impact of fluoride alone in studies.
  • Study Design Importance: The outcomes of fluoride and IQ research can be heavily influenced by how studies are designed, including the selection of control groups, managing biases, and accurately measuring fluoride exposure.
  • Limitations in Current Research: Many studies on fluoride and IQ face criticisms due to small sample sizes, inadequate control groups, and imprecise fluoride exposure measurement, complicating the ability to draw clear conclusions.
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Dental care is safe and important during pregnancy | My Dental Advocate

Risks & Benefits of Fluoride

We reviewed the potential benefits of fluoride in promoting dental health and preventing cavities and the potential risks of fluoride exposure, such as dental fluorosis, skeletal fluorosis, and neurotoxicity.

By understanding the risks and benefits of fluoride, pregnant women can make informed decisions about fluoride use and take steps to maintain good oral health while minimizing potential risks.

Fighting Tooth Decay & Promoting Dental Health

Fluoride has long been recognized as a critical tool in the fight against tooth decay and cavities. It strengthens tooth enamel and makes it more resistant to acid and deterioration.

Common Benefits

  • Tooth Decay Prevention: Fluoride is effective in lowering the risk of tooth decay and cavities, especially in children and adolescents.
  • Enamel Strengthening: It enhances tooth enamel, making it more resistant to acid attacks and decay.
  • Oral Health Improvement: Fluoride’s role in reducing tooth decay and cavities contributes to better overall oral health, helping to prevent more severe dental issues.
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Exploring the Health Concerns & Potential Side Effects

While fluoride use has numerous benefits for oral health, it is also important to be aware of fluoride exposure’s potential risks and side effects.

Key Health Concerns

  • Dental Fluorosis: This condition arises from excessive fluoride intake in children under eight, leading to white or brown spots on teeth. It’s not harmful but can affect teeth’s appearance.
  • Skeletal Fluorosis: Long-term exposure to high fluoride levels can cause this condition, leading to joint pain, stiffness, and potentially bone fractures and deformities.
  • Neurotoxicity Concerns: Some studies suggest a link between high fluoride exposure and neurotoxicity or cognitive issues, though research is ongoing and not yet conclusive.

The Decision to Use Fluoride During Pregnancy

It is important to assess the strength of the Fluoride-IQ link and to consider other factors that may influence this decision to make an informed decision about fluoride use during pregnancy.

Key Factors

  • Fluoride-IQ Link Strength: The potential connection between fluoride exposure and IQ is still under debate and inconclusive. It’s important to consider both sides of this evidence when making decisions about fluoride use during pregnancy.
  • Dental Decay Risk in Pregnancy: Hormonal changes during pregnancy can heighten the risk of dental decay. Fluoride can help reduce this risk and maintain oral health.
  • Fluorosis Risk: When considering fluoride use in pregnancy, the risk of dental fluorosis should be evaluated. This risk is generally low but varies based on fluoride type and amount.
  • Personal and Family Dental History: Deciding on fluoride use during pregnancy should also factor in personal and family dental health history, along with individual preferences and values.

Current Guidelines & Recommendations

We reviewed the American Dental Association’s recommendations and the World Health Organization’s guidelines for fluoride intake.

What the American Dental Association Says About Fluoride and Pregnancy

The American Dental Association (ADA) provides guidance and recommendations for oral health care in the United States.

The ADA has issued specific recommendations regarding the use of fluoride during pregnancy based on the available evidence on this topic.

ADA’s Stance on Fluoride Use (Overview)

The ADA recommends that pregnant women use fluoride to prevent tooth decay and cavities as part of a comprehensive approach to oral health care.

ADA’s Stance

  • Fluoride Safety: The ADA recognizes fluoride as a safe and effective means to prevent tooth decay and cavities, with generally low associated risks.
  • Individualized Fluoride Use: Deciding on fluoride use during pregnancy should be tailored to individual needs and circumstances, taking into account personal and family dental health history, along with personal preferences and values.
  • Balanced Fluoride Use: It’s important to weigh the oral health benefits of fluoride against potential risks and side effects, customizing fluoride use to minimize these risks.

The Evidence Base for the ADA’s Guidelines: Reviewing the Research

The ADA’s guidelines on fluoride use during pregnancy are based on a review of the available evidence on this topic.

Evidence Base

  • Early Studies on Fluoride: The ADA acknowledges initial studies linking fluoride exposure to IQ changes but points out their limitations and the criticisms they’ve faced.
  • Recent Research: Recent studies on fluoride and IQ are recognized by the ADA, yet it emphasizes that the findings are still inconclusive and debatable.
  • Fluoride’s Benefits: The ADA underscores fluoride’s role in oral health, particularly in preventing serious dental issues during pregnancy.
  • Fluoride’s Risks: While acknowledging possible risks and side effects of fluoride, the ADA maintains that these risks are generally low.

Understanding the World Health Organization’s Stance on Fluoride Intake

The World Health Organization (WHO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for international public health. The WHO provides guidance and recommendations on various health topics, including oral health and fluoride intake.

In this section, we’ll review the WHO’s global strategy on diet, physical activity, and health and its recommendations on fluoride intake.

WHO’s Global Strategy

The WHO’s global diet, physical activity, and health strategy is a comprehensive approach to improving public health through healthy eating and physical activity.

In addition, the process includes a focus on oral health and the prevention of dental caries and includes specific recommendations on the use of fluoride for this purpose.

WHO’s Recommendations on Fluoride

The WHO recommends using fluoride to prevent tooth decay and cavities and has set guidelines for its safe and effective use.


  • The Optimal Fluoride Concentration: The WHO recommends drinking water containing between 0.5 and 1.5 milligrams of fluoride per liter, depending on the climate and the prevalence of dental caries in the population.
  • The Importance of Monitoring Fluoride Intake: The WHO recommends that national authorities monitor fluoride intake from all sources, including water, food, and oral health products, to ensure that the optimal fluoride concentration is maintained and the risk of dental fluorosis is minimized.
  • The Need for Individualized Care: The WHO recommends that oral health care be individualized to meet the needs and circumstances of each person.
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Practical Tips for Pregnant Women

In addition to the strategies discussed throughout this blog post, there are some practical tips that pregnant women can use to promote oral health and reduce the risks of fluoride exposure.

Reducing Fluoride Exposure

For pregnant women who are concerned about the potential risks and side effects of fluoride exposure, there are steps that can be taken to reduce fluoride intake and limit exposure.

Different Water Sources

Drinking water is a significant source of fluoride exposure for most people, and pregnant women may wish to consider alternative water sources to reduce fluoride intake.

Pros & Cons

  • Bottled Water: For pregnant women wary of fluoride, bottled water is often low in fluoride. However, it can be costly and may not suit everyone’s budget.
  • Filtered Water: Using filtration systems can reduce or eliminate fluoride in drinking water, but these systems can be pricey and need ongoing maintenance.
  • Distilled Water: This fluoride-free option is more expensive and might not be practical for daily consumption.

Understanding Which Foods & Beverages May Contain Fluoride

In addition to drinking water, there are other sources of fluoride that pregnant women may wish to be aware of.

Key Sources

  • Tea: Regular consumption of tea can lead to significant fluoride intake, as tea is a major fluoride source.
  • Processed Foods and Beverages: Fluoride can be found in various processed items, including sodas, juices, and canned or bottled foods and drinks.
  • Fluoride Supplements: Oral health products like supplements, rinses, and gels often contain fluoride, adding to your total fluoride consumption.

Alternative Strategies for Preventing Cavities & Tooth Decay

For pregnant women concerned about the potential risks and side effects of fluoride exposure, alternative strategies can be used to maintain good oral health and prevent cavities and tooth decay.

Keeping Teeth Clean Without Fluoride

Good oral hygiene is essential to maintaining dental health and preventing cavities and tooth decay.

Key Strategies

  • Brushing and Flossing: Consistent brushing and flossing are key to removing plaque and food debris, preventing bacteria buildup and cavities.
  • Regular Dental Cleanings: Frequent dental check-ups and cleanings are crucial for eliminating bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum disease.
  • Natural Toothpaste: There are various fluoride-free natural toothpastes available that effectively maintain dental health.

Other Techniques for Fighting Tooth Decay

In addition to good oral hygiene, other techniques can be used to prevent cavities and tooth decay without fluoride.


  • Xylitol: This natural sweetener helps inhibit bacterial growth in the mouth, reducing cavity risk.
  • Sealants: Dental sealants provide a protective coating on teeth surfaces, helping to prevent cavities.
  • Diet and Nutrition: Maintaining a healthy diet and limiting sugary or acidic foods and drinks are key to preserving dental health and preventing cavities.

Communicating With Your Healthcare Provider About Fluoride Use

If you are pregnant and considering fluoride for oral health, discussing your options with your healthcare provider is essential.

Your healthcare provider can help you understand the risks and benefits of fluoride use and can guide you on maintaining good oral health during pregnancy.

Questions to Ask Your Doctor

When discussing fluoride use with your healthcare provider, asking questions to ensure you have all the information you need to make an informed decision can be helpful.

Best Questions

  • What are the benefits of fluoride use during pregnancy?
  • What are the potential risks and side effects of fluoride exposure during pregnancy?
  • Are there any alternatives to fluoride that can be used to maintain good oral health during pregnancy?
  • How can I reduce my fluoride exposure if I use fluoride during pregnancy?
  • What is your recommendation for my individual needs and circumstances?

Understanding Your Rights and Options as a Patient

As a patient, it is crucial to understand your rights and options when making decisions about your healthcare.

Informed consent is when healthcare providers explain the benefits, risks, and alternatives to a medical procedure or treatment and obtain the patient’s agreement to undergo the procedure or treatment.

Informed consent is an important aspect of healthcare that helps ensure that patients can make informed decisions about their health.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


There is some evidence to suggest that maternal fluoride exposure during pregnancy may be associated with lower IQ scores in offspring. However, the evidence is not conclusive and there are conflicting results from different studies.

Fluoride exposure during pregnancy may have potential risks and side effects, including dental fluorosis, skeletal fluorosis, and neurotoxicity. However, the risks and benefits of fluoride use during pregnancy are still a topic of debate, and there is no consensus on the optimal level of fluoride intake during pregnancy.

Fluoride is a mineral that has been shown to be effective in promoting dental health and preventing cavities. However, there are potential risks and side effects to consider as well. The optimal level of fluoride intake and the risks and benefits of fluoride use are still a topic of debate, and it is important to discuss fluoride use with a healthcare provider to determine the best approach for individual needs and circumstances.

My Experience & Expertise

As a dental professional, I understand the importance of maintaining good oral health and preventing dental problems.

Fluoride is an effective tool in promoting dental health and preventing cavities, but there are potential risks and side effects to consider as well.

When it comes to fluoride use during pregnancy, it is important to understand the risks and benefits and to make an informed decision based on individual needs and circumstances.

By incorporating good oral hygiene habits, limiting fluoride exposure where possible, and discussing options with a healthcare provider, pregnant women can help to maintain good oral health and reduce the risks of dental problems and fluoride exposure.

Need a second opinion? We can help! Learn more. Knowledge is power when cultivating healthy dental habits. The more informed you are, the better positioned you’ll be to prevent avoidable and potentially costly dental procedures for you and your family. Watch for future blog posts, where we’ll continue sharing important information, product reviews and practical advice!


About the Author

Dr. Matthew Hannan, also known as “Dr. Advocate,” is a board-certified dentist on a mission to provide accurate dental patient education. He attended Baylor University before completing dental school at UT Health San Antonio School of Dentistry. He now lives in Arizona with his beautiful wife and 4 kids. Dr. Hannan believes everyone should access easy-to-read dental resources with relevant, up-to-date dental research and insight to improve their oral health.

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